There are two ways to do the same thing 1st is using loop 2nd is using Input LOF statement (faster) '1st CommonDialog1.Filter = "data file(*.txt)|*.txt|all file(*.*)|*.*" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen Dim filename1 As String If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then filename1 = CommonDialog1.FileName File1.Open filename1, 1 Dim abc As String Do While Not File1.EOF abc = abc & File1.LineInputString Loop File1.Close Text1.Text = abc End If '2nd CommonDialog1.Filter = "data file(*.txt)|*.txt|all file(*.*)|*.*" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen Dim filename1 As String Dim abc As String If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then filename1 = CommonDialog1.FileName File1.Open filename1, fsModeInput, fsAccessRead abc = File1.Input(File1.LOF) Text1.Text = abc File1.Close End If ah yea we need to add FileSystem and, if we're going to use the above source code, commondialog control.